£10490 | Toyota Yaris 1.5 VVT-h Active Hatchback 5dr Petrol Hybrid E-CVT Euro 6 (s/s)

Toyota Toyota Yaris Toyota Toyota Yaris Toyota Toyota Yaris Toyota Toyota Yaris Toyota Toyota Yaris Toyota Toyota Yaris Toyota Toyota Yaris Toyota Toyota Yaris Toyota Toyota Yaris Toyota Toyota Yaris Toyota Toyota Yaris
Make: Toyota
Model: Yaris
Variant: 1.5 VVT-h Active Hatchback 5dr Petrol Hybrid E-CVT Euro 6 (s/s)
Bodytype: Hatchback
Colour: Red
Fueltype: Hybrid
Regyear: 2018
Mileage: 21,993

History check summary for registration number: LE68VDM

  • Not recorded as stolen
  • No third-party trace
  • Not an insurance write-off
  • 0 previous keepers
  • No plate changes
  • No colour changes
  • Mileage data not available
  • Vehicle has been imported

    The vehicle is recorded as being IMPORTED. If a vehicle is recorded as being imported or exported, we cannot provide information for the period that it was out of the country. Therefore you should try to obtain as much information about the car's history as possible. You should also check the vehicle documents carefully.

Data for this history check supplied: 30/05/2024 at 17:00


There are currently no details about this vehicle available.